On this date 179 years ago, Friedrich Christian Treuthardt was born at Echandens, Vaud Canton, Switzerland. Friedrich was the third and last child of Jacob and Margaritha Treuthardt. He was baptized at Lonay, Vaud Canton, on 4 May 1834. He was born on Good Friday.
Let it be known (this is important) that the Treuthardt family "came from" not Vaud Canton, but from Zweisimmen, Bern Canton. Zweisimmen is the original home of the Treuthardts.
Every Swiss national has a so called "place of origin" where he (or she) is registered. Friedrich Christian Treuthardt's place of origin was "Zweisimmen" which is a small town in the "Berner Oberland." The registry officer of Zweisimmen has found records of Friedrich Christian Treuthardt and his wife, Anna Geiser.
Nineteen years ago I wrote a letter of inquiry and received the above response from the Bundesamt für Polizeiwesen, Bern, Switzerland -- Federal Office for Police Matters / Tracing Service, in a letter written by Claire Jordi on October 24, 1994.
In those days, not so long ago, people typed and signed a letter, put it in an envelope, stamped and mailed it.
[Today Friedrich's birthday falls on Maundy Thursday.]
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